Robert Russell Large Compact View About By Addison's Walk Lost in Translation Bridgets Province Green Hills Dublin A Natural Selection At The National Botanic Gardens, Blue Blossoms and Butterfly Limes, Russell Robert An Orange Tree Line Morning Walk Ar ngairm chum aoibhnis Granadilla Annaghmakerrig Morning Shades Wild Valley No Parking Ten Cherries Two Kiwi Halves Kite in the Rough As mist retreats, Blackthorn stands Fire over Phoenix Park Two Kiwi Halves Pomegranate Red Vessel Ten Cherries Two Lemons White Breast of the Dim Sea (1 - Telemachus) Lantern Room I Signal Fire Enfolded The Call of Home Sweet Home SOLD OUT The Hawthorn Holds Fast Annaghmakerrig Lake An Orange, Robert Russell 15 × 20 cm €250.00 Annaghmakerrig Lake 27 × 18 cm €220.00 Ar ngairm chum aoibhnis, Robert Russell 15 × 15.5 cm €180.00 As mist retreats, Blackthorn stands 18 × 26 cm €220.00 Bridgets Province 20 × 20 cm €126.00 Dublin A Natural Selection At The National Botanic Gardens, Blue Blossoms and Butterfly 12 × 13 cm €115.00 Enfolded 50 × 75 cm €640.00 Fire over Phoenix Park 54.5 × 35 cm €410.00 Granadilla, Robert Russell 15 × 12.5 cm €265.00 Kite in the Rough 26 × 34 cm €325.00 Lantern Room I N/A €1,200.00 Limes, Russell Robert 15 × 12 cm €230.00 Morning Shades, Robert Russell 14 × 14.5 cm €180.00 Pomegranate 15 × 12.5 cm €230.00 Red Vessel 20 × 15 cm €230.00 Annaghmakerrig 34 × 25 cm €325.00 By Addison’s Walk 18 × 20 cm €180.00 Green Hills 60 × 30 cm €370.00 Lost in Translation 24 × 19.5 cm €750.00 Morning Walk 18.5 × 18.5 cm €210.00 No Parking 49 × 74 cm €480.00 Signal Fire N/A €3,500.00 Sweet Home SOLD OUT 12 × 13 cm €160.00 Ten Cherries 14.5 × 12 cm €300.00 Ten Cherries 15 × 12 cm €230.00 The Call of Home 12 × 13 cm €160.00 The Hawthorn Holds Fast 120 × 84 cm €1,275.00 Tree Line 64 × 44.5 cm €410.00 Two Kiwi Halves 14.5 × 12 cm €300.00 Two Kiwi Halves 14.5 × 12 cm €230.00 Two Lemons 15 × 10 cm €250.00 White Breast of the Dim Sea (1 – Telemachus) 34 × 24 cm €325.00 Wild Valley 29.8 × 29.8 cm €350.00