Grainne Cuffe
Gráinne, graduated IADT 1979,joined GSD shortly after,and furthered studies in lithography with a Fulbright Scholarship to Tamarind Institute,New Mexico in 1984. Visiting Boston Museum Fine Arts she fell for the etchings of James McNeill Whistler…2 years at Central St.Martin’s,London, Postgrad Printmaking with Norman Ackroyd as her teacher she began making etchings using Ackroyd’s dictum:’You can get all the colour you want with black ink and white paper’. Cuffe disagreed. Influences: Norman Ackroyd,Georgia O’Keefe,Richard Serra,Henry Moore, Bauhausian principles;working in studios in California,London, Milan,Sweden,Dublin. Images ‘not strictly botanical’ are mostly square in composition. ‘The monumental prescence of each flower head …… – their colour,their structure,their design,their rythmic form is carefully distilled and presented. ‘ Dr.Angela Griffith, Trinity College Dublin, [2017].
Glór,Ennis: April 2018 Graphic Studio Gallery: June 2017, Blue House Gallery: August 2016,2015 Graphic Studio Gallery: May 2014
Gráinne was invited to show at the RUA,Belfast 2017/18,and shows regularily at the RHA,Dublin,and RA,London.
Arts Council of Ireland;Hastings Hotels; Hilton Hotels;Chester Beatty Library;UCD,TCD,DCU,UL,Queens University Belfast,Boston College,Mater Dei Hospital,Dublin,St.Vincent’s Hospital,Dublin,Family Law Courts,Dublin,Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals,[foyer]Dublin,etc.,plus 17 US States.
Commisions: Hastings Hotel Group,P&O Cruise Ship Oriana,Fingal County Council,etc.