5th February – 12th March 2022
Exhibition presenting work that exemplifies expanded practice in printmaking.
Curated by Andrew Follan, Head of Print, NCAD; Peter Brennan, Graphic Studio Gallery and Mateja Smic, Graphic Studio Gallery
Graphic Studio Gallery is delighted to present \”Expanded\”.
\”Expanded includes printed artworks that interface specifically within the greater spectrum of contemporary art practice – including prints, installation, sculpture, public display, animation, interactive objects and books.
Print – in its broadest definition – is inherent in society, ranging from artist made images, to modes of communication, methods of decoration and essentially, to the genetic markers that define our characteristics. More than any other autographic-art form, print retains originality and authenticity, while simultaneously enabling the multiplication and repeated iteration of unique images. In most printing media, the matrix (plate, screen or digital file) gives rise to the image while retaining its potential to transform, repeat, reiterate and multiply. In the current digital and biological cloning age – an era of mass multiplication – printing methods take on new meaning gaining an even increasing momentum. Focusing on this dynamic approach the exhibition Expanded presents new considerations of what we understand as Fine Art Print.\”
Andrew Folan
Featuring work by
Niamh McGuinne, Susan Mannion, Geraldine O’Reilly, Margo McNulty, Niall Naessens, Oona Hyland, Michele Hetherington, Ciaran Lennon, Maria Simonds Gooding, Siobhan Piercy, Ailbhe Ni Bhriain, Sean Hanrahan, Sophie Daly, Anna Maye, Gary Coyle, Debbie Godsell & Andrew Folan